
Traditional Dodger
Traditional Dodger
This is a good example of one of our traditional “unit construction” dodgers. It folds forward very easily to clear your line of sight and has a role up center window for air flow.
Dodger, Bimini Combo W/Connector (Side View)
Dodger, Bimini Combo W/Connector (Side View)
Here is another angle on the “piece construction” dodger that can zip apart. Also a good angle of the mainsail cover
Dodger, Bimini Combo W/Connector
Dodger, Bimini Combo W/Connector
These combos provide amazingly functional protection while sailing or at the dock. The dodger is a “piece construction style”, that uses a fixed frame and the ability to remove all the clear vinyl windows, to create a standalone sunshade over the companionway.