Reducing the Risk of Boating Accidents
Nobody wants to have a boating accident, but they can happens The steps to reduce your chances of having a boating accident are simple, have a sober driver, take a Boating Safety Class, pay attention to what is happening in and around the boat and a few more simple steps.
Boating accidents are comparatively low, but what the statistics show that over70% of the boat accidents involving a with a fatality, the boat operator had taken no boating safety instruction.
There is no reason not to take a boating safety class. Many States offer boating safety classes, and Coast Guard Auxiliary offer classes in almost all the states that have larger boating communities. There are online internet boating classes but taking a live classroom course with a trained instructor is recommended.
The grim reality is there are many ways to have an accident and many of them can create a fatality, but it was found that where a death was known, 78% were due to drowning; and 84% of those who drowned were not wearing a Life Jacket/PDF. There’s no excuse for not wearing one, just so make sure you’re familiar with the one you have one. But PFD’s alone won’t help all accidents and fatalities.
The primary contributing Factors for accidents afloat are: Operator Inattention or Inexperience, excessive Speed, Alcohol Use, Violation of Navigation Rules and Poor or Neglected boat maintenance.
Maintaining your boat is essential: wind, water, weather, “wild life” and insects can all affect you boat. What you do on the water is up to you, but investing in high quality coverings to protect your boat is your first priority so you can be confident your boat is ready to sail.
CMC Canvas LLC can help with that.